The stroboscope of Engineer Defraine

I found this stroboscope while visiting secondhand trades, for a few euros. A little of elbow grease to clean it and it's all. The apparatus is very simple: an electric motor with a rheostat to adjust speed. This engine turns at the same time the JAEGER speed counter and the bell placed at the rear. The bell has a slit for the light, which gives the stroboscopic effect. You will notice that this model is the 1826th, which shows that it was manufactured to several thousands of specimens.

The stroboscope of Engineer Defraine

The dial's graduation dial was drawn by hand.
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The stroboscope of Engineer Defraine

The fastening of the light source has disappeared. There remains the pins, visible on the back of the apparatus, which were used to support this device

A page of Defraine catalog

Deprez_Photo_Stroboscope_Catalog_Page.jpg Deprez_Photo_Stroboscope_Catalog_Page.jpg
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And the complete catalog (French, English and German)

Catalogue_Defraine.pdf Catalogue_Defraine.pdf

A very short biography ...

Help me! I will welcome any information or documents concerning the engineer Marcel Defraine. Thank you.

Here is a picture of Marcel Defraine taken around 1919 when he arrived in Lyon. Marcel traveled throughout Europe for his business. His catalogs were written in three languages, French, English and German, but I can not tell you if he spoke all three.

Funny story I got from his grand-son. On his business card, he wrote Engineer GBM. In fact it was self-taught and had no engineering degree. GBM meant Graduate By Myself!

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